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"Creator of all, lead us into the ways of justice and peace..."

Come Friday to a special service in honor of Native American Heritage Day.

In conjunction with Rev. Canon Tina Campbell of Indigenous Ministries, Rev. Rik has planned special prayers for this day that take into account the 2016 Presidential Proclamation stating that in the United States, "Over our long shared history, there have been too many unfortunate chapters of pain and tragedy, discrimination and injustice. We must acknowledge that history while recognizing that the future is still ours to write."

This is an opportunity to, as you will hear the Celebrant say in Friday's Prayers of the People, "Renew the circle of the earth and turn the hearts of all your people to one another..."

All are welcome. Come pray with us. Bring a friend.

And while you're downtown, take time to visit the newly dedicated Native American monument on the north side of Capitol Park.